Sunday, September 4, 2011

Links, Week 11: In transit

Writing: 20 hours, 40 minutes
Distracted: 8 hours, 25 minutes
Gmail: 8 hours, 8 minutes
Neutral: 3 hours, 46 minutes

This week, I returned from Los Angeles and flew to Manila. I spent 18 hours on planes, and 6 hours in airport terminals. I downloaded Gmail offline, and soon, I will never have to worry about old email again. This week should be extremely productive.

By the way, do you like the picture? It was going to be a link, but I decided to give it some prime real estate. I'm not sure how I feel about adulterating my site with non-original content, but maybe this is fine, if it's once a week?

Here are some links.

About writingDaily routines from famous authors. The NYT's after hours sparkling prose. A couple of tips on writing style, from the NYT.

Yale: Bright College Years farewell montage.

Asian AmericansAsian like Me -- why Asians aren't advancing. Model my voice, for Asian Americans.

Essays and Advice: Life lessons from travelling the world. Online dating typesHarvard and class. We are not running out of time. Personal essay for a Brown application. The story of electronics. Why humans won. Asking for work favors over email. Primal eating (Atkins?). Google support for aspiring journalists.

Ideas: Marketplace for sharing ideas. How to beat the lottery.

Whatever: Damn you, auto-cucumber? Video on how to legally steal moneyAlpha male examples. What are you going to do with you liberal arts education? Da Vinci's flying machine.

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